Collaboration -& Exhibition at Edvard Munchs Studio in Ekely

Back in 2016 the artists Johannes Holt Iversen and Christian Tony Norum met and worked in Edvard Munchs Studio. A brief visit during Norums residency at Ekely, that culminated in the collaboration on a collaborative oil painting. Seven years later in 2023 Christian Tony Norum invited Johannes Holt Iversen back again to join forces now forming a group exhibition developing a salon space with 38 participating artists.

How I tricked an Ai to work subconsciously

As the year 2022 has come to a soon and forthcoming end, I am making the final touches to my latest broad and extensive artistic research; understanding the vast possibilities of the mimicking artificial intelligences, both the extensive new language models as well as the latest visual ai-processors available to university researchers alongside the commercial …

Visiting The Acclaimed Italian Banditto Artist Residency During The COVID-19 Pandemic

During July 2020 the Amsterdam-based artist Johannes Holt Iversen visited the acclaimed artist residency in Montefollonico, Tuscany held by international art collector Roy Ockers. In the shadows of the COVID-19 haunted Italy, several works from his series Lascaux 1.0 beta was conceived during his stay. Italy was one of the first European countries to be …